Monday 27 April 2015

Off the map- (Part 11)

Week 31

Off The Map

This week’s priority was to unwrapping all the assets also making sure that everything is textured on time and the scene looks up to a good standard.
Before I started unwrapping I had to ensure that all the assets are ready to be imported into the scene, so I had few assets still to model and most of them were assets that would be re-used to populate the scene such as trees, walls and foliage.

In the previous weeks I have modelled grass that was then allocated in the scene, however after it was placed the final appearance wasn't very impressive and the grass looked chunky and too big, I tried to make some changes however I couldn't get it to look the way I wanted so I decided to use planes instead of modelling the grass one by one which resulted in a better appearance and increased efficiency.  
My last task was to organise the texture sheets, I decided to use four 1024, three 2048, one 512 and two 256. The most visible object to the player I have allocated in 2048 textures but also I have make sure that I use the texture fully and I placed other assets to make use of the space.

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