Saturday 11 April 2015

Off The Map- (Part 9)

Week 27

Off The Map- (Part 9)

During this week I have been working on modelling the rabbit house I have based my concept off a hobbit hole
Rabbit house , Orthographic View - 3d model 
I had loads of fun modelling this asset and my next task will be to model more foliage to cover the house and make it more natural and more organic, like it belong to a forest.

I have attempted to model the grass as soon as I have finished the rabbit house and I was stuck for a bit as I didn't know how to approach it, so I have attempted to do some research I have looked through online tutorials and how other artist have attempted it. I was mainly looking how to create a realistic looking grass as possible I thought this would give a great look and atmosphere to the entire scene as most of the assets in my scene are plants and trees.

There are different ways of  modelling grass, it can be easily done using planes as this is most commonly used technique however I have decided to model grass as thin long leaves in a batch.
To help me set the grass in UE4 I have used a paint foliage tool which I found very useful, I could easily change the size of my brush and the scale of the grass which gave more randomness to my scene.

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