Friday 17 April 2015

Off The Map- (Part 10 )

Week 29

Off The Map- (Part 10)

This week is another small update as to how far I got with my Alice in wonderland scene.
This week I have attempted  to make my scene more busy so I have modeled more small assets that I can re-use. 
Screenshots of my scene 
I have also implemented effects such as wind, I thought this would give a nice finish to the environment. However I have noticed that the effect is not as impressive and effective as if I had planes with alphas as my grass. But I have decided to keep this in my scene as I will also have tree's that will have planes on them and I think this will look much better giving the scene this extra touch.

As well as I have managed to make the gate open as the player walks towards it, this was another technical difficulty that I have attempted. In the beginning I thought that the best way to do this will be by creating a blueprint however I was told that there is a easier and quicker way to have this fully working and this can be done in the matinee editor.

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