Tuesday 5 May 2015

Off The Map- (Part 12)

Week 32

Off The Map

This week task was to populate the area with assets and do final touches to the scene. I imported all the assets, I had to make sure everything is named correctly and it's all assigned to the right folders.

To distribute the grass randomly onto the environment I have used the UE4 foliage tool. The tool was very helpful, it saved me a lot of time, where this time was then used to work and further to improve the lighting in my scene.

The most significant part was making sure that the scene looks vibrant and spectacular and the only thing that was missing was the atmosphere. I have changed the sky colour to purple and orange to give more magical (sunset) feel to the environment I have also added some point lights and spot lights to lit the important areas in the scene like the rabbit house and the way towards it, so that area it's not too dark. I have also made the mushrooms texture emissive so it can cast some light to those dark areas, I tried to avoid any black shadows in my scene so I used spot lights under the mushrooms to lit the spot with different colour that the mushroom would cast. I have also used directional light which really changed the look of my environment, I was able to achieve this incredible light that shines through the trees when you look up which really gave a nice character to the level.  
Also to give a bit of depth to the forest I have used post process volume which is one of the options that can be found in UE4 as well as I have allocated blocking volume so that the player cannot escape the scene blocking off edges of the forest.

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