Friday 6 February 2015

Container City- Evaluation

Week 18

Container City- Evaluation

Q. How did my abilities improved during the project life cycle?
I have picked up new skills as well as improving current ones along the way. I have learned to make and implement blueprints from scratch to perform basic tasks as i have shown by making a extractor fan spin. Along with creating blueprints my general comfort in building levels in Unreal Engine 4 has improved drastically.
During this project I had to make more than enough mood boards and concepted multiple photo bashed shops and bars, this gave me plenty of practice at designing level components and room layouts. this project also helped me to organise my texture sheets as well as improving my ability to make textures that look old and worn

Q. Any difficulties during the project?
The only problem I felt occurred was the synergy between team members, communication was an issue, but in the end problems were resolved and a good level was created.

Q. Was this project successful?
The task was completed to a good standard and most objectives were met however there were a lot of unpolished aspects that needed improvements and some stretch goals that could have been implemented.

Q. How would I approach the project next time?
If i was to approach this project again, I would go for a different environment as in my opinion as dusty barren landscapes are overused in dystopian settings. I would have picked a busier, more organic environment where rain or other weather effects even as basic as wind could be added and particle effects such as pollen or dust could be implemented to provide a much more immersive level.

Q. What needs more improvement?
There were a few improvements that could be made to the level, small things that stopped the level from reaching its potential as a concept. The sound feels like a last minute addition that could have done with a little more variety. Some of the textures needed a higher resolution and detail and the floor could have done with more variation as it repeated a little too obviously throughout the level. A few of the surfaces were quite flat as normal maps needed more depth and detail. The grass at the end of the level needed scaling down a little as it was too low density and resolution too low to be the height it was.

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