Friday 30 January 2015

Container City (part 3)

Week 17

Container City (part 3)

This week I have undertaken another task of modelling and texturing additional  assets for the level. I have used images I have gathered from Pinterest and other sources as a reference to help me model. For these assets I didn't have a specific tri budget so I tried my best to keep object as a simple geometry.
Lastly I was left with texturing. I have used 512x512 texture sheets.
Creating a blueprint was my last task for this week, I had no idea where to start but after a few tutorials I was quickly picking up the skills I needed to understand how blueprints work and how they can be used to add cool features to a level. I made a blueprint to make a extractor fan spin, adding a little immersion to an otherwise static level.

And here are some beauty shots from the level

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