Monday 12 January 2015

Container City (part 1)

Week 15

Container City (part 1)

A new year and a new project, this time it was a group project where the objective was to build a city using shipping containers as the main building blocks. As a group we had to decide between a Science Fiction or Dystopian city we went with a Dystopian city. I put forward the idea of a forest environment which the rest of the group liked, so I constructed a mood board for the scene. I then went on to construct a rough city using whiteboxing techniques

Mood board

Quick block out 

I was very excited to start building this setting not only because we could have pushed the technical side and use this project to learn a bit more about Unreal engine 4 and blueprints as well as be challenging to create busy environment with foliage, sound effects, particle effects, water effects and fog. Unfortunately the group wanted to go in a different direction and settled on a marble quarry environment instead of a forest.

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