Friday 23 January 2015

Container City (part 2)

Week 16

Container City (part 2)

This week I have decided to undertake a task that I thought will give me a challenge, something I haven't had much experience in and concepting and a bar/restaurant sounded like an interesting job. To kick things off, I constructed a mood board by gathering images of different abandoned shipping containers and even stills from a game I used to play called Deponia, a point and click adventure game set in a makeshift and thrown together, dystopian environment.

To begin with I decided to use some painting and photobashing techniques to quickly generate some concepts. I found an image of a 3/4 view shipping container and by using other images and some paintovers I produced rough ideas to start with.
As a group we have chosen one that we really like to be further developed. To make the concept more unique I have worked on the silhouette to bring out interesting shapes by adding objects like gas tank, satellite dishes, wooden pallets and more.
At the end I came up with the final idea that was ready to be modelled.
After the concept was ready I was finally ready to model my bar, because we have been provided with a simple model of a shipping container all I had to do was use that and build additional assets around it. To keep myself organised I have set a budget of 11,000 tris for the entire model.
The next task was to texture I have used 1024x1024 texture sheet. The most important part of texturing was to keep it realistic so I have used real life images and textures in order to make the assets look Worn-out, dusty/dirty and rusty.

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