Monday 9 February 2015

Off The Map- ( Part 1)

Week 19

Off The Map- ( Part 1)

This project was based around Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and was a competition sponsored by the British Library and GameCity. With materials such as maps, text and illustrations provided by the British Library, in a group of 6, we had to chose a theme to base our level around, these themes were Oxford, The Underground and The Gardens.

When I first heard that this was the basis of the task I was genuinely excited as I love the idea of a fairy tale world with a lot of seemingly random pieces, this project was going to push the creative part of my mind and I didn't need stay inside the realm of reality.

My excitement quickly turned into shock as I was informed that I wouldn't be working in a group of 6 like everyone else, but I would be on my own. This would have been okay if my brief was drastically smaller scale and was given clearly with proper guidelines and instructions. Instead I was given a scale around half of what the groups had to do, even half would be a monumental task for a single person.

To get myself going I constructed mood boards in order to give myself a creative direction and guide in the way I wanted to take this project. I also read the book to make sure that whatever I constructed remained true to the original tales.

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