Wednesday 18 February 2015

Off The Map( Part 2)

Week 20

Off The Map( Part 2)

I have had the time to study the book and other resources including meetings with tutors to discuss what my project will be.

I have to produce a scene where I include the tea party and the rabbit house. Because the individual scenes in the book I thought it would be a good idea to link these to parts of the book, that are pretty far apart, by using a forest environment and a path between them.

I decided to start off creating mood board around the rabbit house, this mood board contained anything remotely that looked like it belonged in wonderland and would be useful assets when constructing the rabbit house.

When I had enough information and imagery, I created quick concepts with photobashing techniques. It soon dawned on me that my approach had been very random, so I targeted my concepting towards creating houses that animals could live in.

With house concepts out of the way, I moved on to designing the landscape.

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