Thursday 20 November 2014

Character Dichotomy Project (part 2)

Week 7
Character Dichotomy Project (part 2)

During this week I was still working on the concepts for dichotomy characters. I finally came up with an idea, I used a quick sketch that I did and manipulated the silhouettes to create a more a dynamic character. (On the image you can see the process I went through)

I have decided to create Santa Claus and very shy, hardworking elf. I started with sketching different hairstyles and clothes for an elf. For the clothes I had a rough idea of what it will look like and I also did a quick colour combination just to make sure the colours look right together.

Lastly I was left with orthographic drawing for modelling, which I found quite challenging since I had to imagine the character from all angles and designing clothes and other aspects happened to be pretty difficult.

When designing Santa I took a different approach, just like with elf I had a rough idea and a sketch to start with.
I Started with painting quick silhouettes, I have then sketched some faces and clothes on those silhouettes, when I was finally happy with one of the designs I then did quick colour study and orthographic drawing.

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