Sunday 9 November 2014

Evaluation- Sentry Gun Project

Week 5

Evaluation- Sentry Gun Project

Q. What went well?

I think designing the turret was pretty tricky because I didn't take in count the budget that I was given for modelling. However, it’s safe to say that concepting went well and overall I’m very happy with the design, nevertheless I struggled with it at the beginning, but at the end I got it right. Furthermore, modeling was very fun, easy and quick which I enjoyed the most during the entire process.

Q. What needs more improvement?

In this project I could point out several things that could have been done a bit better and one of them would be texture maps, I am not very happy with how it came out at the end. I think some of the textures need a bit more details, especially the brass texture that's applied to the entire body as it's the first thing you notice on the turret, I think it would help, to research a bit more into texturing metals as well as to add some additional dirt and rust to the model to give a bit more character and realism to the turret. At the moment it looks a bit too shiny and instead of old rusty steam punk looking turret, it looks like it was made from gold.
I also think the turret would benefit from additional features on the texture such as nails or perhaps a ventilator that would just give a nice realistic feel to it, following by some improvements on the high map which would just emphasize the look of the entire model.

Q. What did I learn?

I think this project was a good way for me to practice texturing metals, moreover I am more familiar with importing and generally using the Unreal Engine.

Q. How would I approach the project next time?

If I was to do this project again, I would keep in mind the entire budget before creating any complicated designs, which then this would give me more time to improve the final appearance.

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