Monday 10 November 2014

Character Dichotomy Project (part 1)

Week 6
Character Dichotomy Project (part 1)

This week we started a new project, the character dichotomy project, the brief is to design a pair of characters whose styles indicate that they belong in the same universe, but show polar opposites in certain aspects of their appearance.

To begin with, I used Pinterest as my inspiration source and I created a mood board which I then used for creating characters. I have decided to create characters based of animated movies such as Monsters Inc. or The Incredibles, the idea was to create characters based off just primitive shapes and I thought Pixar and Disney used that technique quite a lot in their concepts to develop interesting and iconic characters.

Mood board 
The next step was to create some characters, so I used simple shapes and I created silhouettes. I found this method of creating characters a bit difficult as it was very challenging to imagine or design a character from complete black shape however, this was a good start and good practice to get some ideas flowing.
Lastly, I have created more detailed and developed sketches of different characters. I had several ideas and various polar opposite combinations in my head to start with.

  • Beautiful - Ugly
  • Happy - Sad
  • Rich -Poor
  • Young - Old
  • Tall – Short

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