Thursday 20 November 2014

Character Dichotomy Project (part 2)

Week 7
Character Dichotomy Project (part 2)

During this week I was still working on the concepts for dichotomy characters. I finally came up with an idea, I used a quick sketch that I did and manipulated the silhouettes to create a more a dynamic character. (On the image you can see the process I went through)

I have decided to create Santa Claus and very shy, hardworking elf. I started with sketching different hairstyles and clothes for an elf. For the clothes I had a rough idea of what it will look like and I also did a quick colour combination just to make sure the colours look right together.

Lastly I was left with orthographic drawing for modelling, which I found quite challenging since I had to imagine the character from all angles and designing clothes and other aspects happened to be pretty difficult.

When designing Santa I took a different approach, just like with elf I had a rough idea and a sketch to start with.
I Started with painting quick silhouettes, I have then sketched some faces and clothes on those silhouettes, when I was finally happy with one of the designs I then did quick colour study and orthographic drawing.

Monday 10 November 2014

Character Dichotomy Project (part 1)

Week 6
Character Dichotomy Project (part 1)

This week we started a new project, the character dichotomy project, the brief is to design a pair of characters whose styles indicate that they belong in the same universe, but show polar opposites in certain aspects of their appearance.

To begin with, I used Pinterest as my inspiration source and I created a mood board which I then used for creating characters. I have decided to create characters based of animated movies such as Monsters Inc. or The Incredibles, the idea was to create characters based off just primitive shapes and I thought Pixar and Disney used that technique quite a lot in their concepts to develop interesting and iconic characters.

Mood board 
The next step was to create some characters, so I used simple shapes and I created silhouettes. I found this method of creating characters a bit difficult as it was very challenging to imagine or design a character from complete black shape however, this was a good start and good practice to get some ideas flowing.
Lastly, I have created more detailed and developed sketches of different characters. I had several ideas and various polar opposite combinations in my head to start with.

  • Beautiful - Ugly
  • Happy - Sad
  • Rich -Poor
  • Young - Old
  • Tall – Short

Sunday 9 November 2014

Evaluation- Sentry Gun Project

Week 5

Evaluation- Sentry Gun Project

Q. What went well?

I think designing the turret was pretty tricky because I didn't take in count the budget that I was given for modelling. However, it’s safe to say that concepting went well and overall I’m very happy with the design, nevertheless I struggled with it at the beginning, but at the end I got it right. Furthermore, modeling was very fun, easy and quick which I enjoyed the most during the entire process.

Q. What needs more improvement?

In this project I could point out several things that could have been done a bit better and one of them would be texture maps, I am not very happy with how it came out at the end. I think some of the textures need a bit more details, especially the brass texture that's applied to the entire body as it's the first thing you notice on the turret, I think it would help, to research a bit more into texturing metals as well as to add some additional dirt and rust to the model to give a bit more character and realism to the turret. At the moment it looks a bit too shiny and instead of old rusty steam punk looking turret, it looks like it was made from gold.
I also think the turret would benefit from additional features on the texture such as nails or perhaps a ventilator that would just give a nice realistic feel to it, following by some improvements on the high map which would just emphasize the look of the entire model.

Q. What did I learn?

I think this project was a good way for me to practice texturing metals, moreover I am more familiar with importing and generally using the Unreal Engine.

Q. How would I approach the project next time?

If I was to do this project again, I would keep in mind the entire budget before creating any complicated designs, which then this would give me more time to improve the final appearance.

Friday 7 November 2014

Sentry gun project- (Part 2)

Week 5

Sentry gun project

Previously I have created quick silhouettes and this week I have used those to develop more detailed ideas I haven't spent too long doing this as I thought the idea I came up with was pretty strong.

I have then created a drawing of the final idea and I finally produced my first concept which I modelled and half way through, I realised I was already over the tris limit, so I was forced to create more simplified design.

Final Design 

Monday 3 November 2014

Sentry gun project (Part 1)

Week 4 

Sentry gun project

As soon as the film room project finished, I was introduced to a new project which was the sentry gun. In this project I was asked to concept the sentry gun the aim was to create a 3d model that will be then placed in pre-designed setting.

The Turret must:

·         Track the player
·         Rotate
·         Spawn particle effect and eject shell
·         Fire

The idea for my sentry gun was to create a steam punk like turret a bit of wear and tear here and there, perhaps create additional setting with moss and long grass to place the turret in. I started constructing quick mood boards to help me perhaps sketch some ideas or just use those images to photo-bash a quick silhouette.  
Mood board

 Then I started to create quick silhouettes using the mood board above and from there I developed more and more concepts. I have mainly used photo-bashing and just getting some details with few brush strokes.
