Friday 30 January 2015

Container City (part 3)

Week 17

Container City (part 3)

This week I have undertaken another task of modelling and texturing additional  assets for the level. I have used images I have gathered from Pinterest and other sources as a reference to help me model. For these assets I didn't have a specific tri budget so I tried my best to keep object as a simple geometry.
Lastly I was left with texturing. I have used 512x512 texture sheets.
Creating a blueprint was my last task for this week, I had no idea where to start but after a few tutorials I was quickly picking up the skills I needed to understand how blueprints work and how they can be used to add cool features to a level. I made a blueprint to make a extractor fan spin, adding a little immersion to an otherwise static level.

And here are some beauty shots from the level

Friday 23 January 2015

Container City (part 2)

Week 16

Container City (part 2)

This week I have decided to undertake a task that I thought will give me a challenge, something I haven't had much experience in and concepting and a bar/restaurant sounded like an interesting job. To kick things off, I constructed a mood board by gathering images of different abandoned shipping containers and even stills from a game I used to play called Deponia, a point and click adventure game set in a makeshift and thrown together, dystopian environment.

To begin with I decided to use some painting and photobashing techniques to quickly generate some concepts. I found an image of a 3/4 view shipping container and by using other images and some paintovers I produced rough ideas to start with.
As a group we have chosen one that we really like to be further developed. To make the concept more unique I have worked on the silhouette to bring out interesting shapes by adding objects like gas tank, satellite dishes, wooden pallets and more.
At the end I came up with the final idea that was ready to be modelled.
After the concept was ready I was finally ready to model my bar, because we have been provided with a simple model of a shipping container all I had to do was use that and build additional assets around it. To keep myself organised I have set a budget of 11,000 tris for the entire model.
The next task was to texture I have used 1024x1024 texture sheet. The most important part of texturing was to keep it realistic so I have used real life images and textures in order to make the assets look Worn-out, dusty/dirty and rusty.

Monday 12 January 2015

Container City (part 1)

Week 15

Container City (part 1)

A new year and a new project, this time it was a group project where the objective was to build a city using shipping containers as the main building blocks. As a group we had to decide between a Science Fiction or Dystopian city we went with a Dystopian city. I put forward the idea of a forest environment which the rest of the group liked, so I constructed a mood board for the scene. I then went on to construct a rough city using whiteboxing techniques

Mood board

Quick block out 

I was very excited to start building this setting not only because we could have pushed the technical side and use this project to learn a bit more about Unreal engine 4 and blueprints as well as be challenging to create busy environment with foliage, sound effects, particle effects, water effects and fog. Unfortunately the group wanted to go in a different direction and settled on a marble quarry environment instead of a forest.