Sunday 27 April 2014

Game Art Career

A couple weeks ago I was given a task to look into careers in game industry and I have been ask to do a little research about the career I would like to undertake after I graduate. I must say that it was a bit confusing at first as I was just unsure what exactly I would like to do, as there was so many opportunities of all sorts of different roles and titles and many developers to pick from.
I really enjoy working in tradition way as well as in 3d. I also like designing characters as well as drawing environments. In addition I thought that creating concepts is very interesting as well as modeling and this is where I wasn’t sure what I would like to do, so I decided to do my research a bit differently I have basically looked into jobs such as ;
  • Concept Artist
  • Environment Concept Artist
  • Environment Artist
  • Character Artist
  • 3D Artist
I haven’t found the exact job title but I looked into many different developers and different jobs that seemed interesting and I have selected the different requirements that I have seen continuously.
  • Ability to create efficient UV layout for texture map both hard surface and organic models
  • An exceptional understanding of space, form, structure and shape in regard to modelling
  • proficiency in Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Pixologic® ZBrush® and Adobe® Photoshop®;
  • Must exhibit strong traditional art skills including: illustration, colour theory, composition, architectural design and game level design.
  • passion and enthusiasm for video games
  • Must have demonstrable knowledge of lighting, colour, and composition
  • Must have excellent organizational skills
  • Must have strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Being able to work as a part of a team
  • Strong art skills and good knowledge of human anatomy.
Those are some of the most common requirements I saw in the different job titles that I looked into.

While I have improved in many areas like human anatomy drawing, observation skills and became more proficient in programs like Photoshop and 3ds Max, I think it goes without saying that I’m not at the level that I should be, if I was to apply for the position now. However if I will be improving at the rate that I am now, I am confident that with a bit of dedication and hard work by third year I will not have much problems to meet the required criteria when the time comes.

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