Sunday 12 October 2014

Asset Swap

Week 1

Asset Swap

Finally, new academic year has officially started which brings exciting but at the same time challenging experiences. 
So...where do I begin? This year will be mostly all about working in teams (its actually more fun than I expected), as also about using the unreal engine 4 for all our projects (another thing I need to look into). Last week we have been set a small group project which involved concepting, modeling, unwrapping, texturing, and placing all the assets to a pre-made scene.
My final asset

I think the project was set for us to get to know the unreal engine 4 a bit more as we all started by concepting a different asset (in my case it was a barrel) and the idea was to pass the asset to a different person so that everyone gets 
a go at a different stage of making , however because I have joined the group late I was given one object to do all on my own without passing it on and to be honest I think it all worked out in my favor as I knew exactly what to do and I could organise my time more efficiently.

The Final Render

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