Monday 23 March 2015

Off The Map- (Part-7)

Week 25

Off The Map- (Part-7)

Week 25 was an exciting week, the new goal was much more approachable and I didn't have to think about the other scenes that would need a different variation on the same, wonderland style. Luckily I had a lot of the research already done and could even implement a few of the assets I had already created. I was advised to research existing environments around Oxford, however I ran into issues where wonderland as written by Lewis Carroll didn't line up with environments in the area. So I used an inspiring image online, that closely resembles my visualisation of wonderland.

Friday 20 March 2015

Off The Map- (Part 6)

Week 24

Off The Map- (Part 5)

This post will be really short just catching up with new task and brief for the project. After a review from my tutors, we reached the conclusion that the environment I was working on was far too large to make a fully detailed, immersive and impressive scene. We decided that it was too ambitious for one person in the given time frame, therefore instead of making an unpolished and rushed environment that wouldn't look good on my portfolio, I would scale back development constructing only one of the scenes that I was going to work on, the rabbit house.

Monday 9 March 2015

Off The Map (Part-5)

Week 23

Off The Map (Part-5)

This week my post will be pretty short during week 22 and and week 23 I was modelling the assets for my scene along with these assets I have shown in my previous week made a few other items to add some direction and variation to the world like a signpost to direct the player, as well as lamps, large leaves, mushrooms, lily pads and teacup fountains. I must say I have really enjoyed this process it was a nice way to see my concepts come to live in 3d. Also this was a good opportunity to model objects with greater detail.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Off The Map (Part-4)

Week 22- Week 23

Off The Map (Part-4)

Week 22 was all about modelling assets. Starting with a quick mood board on foliage, I moved on to develop many assets that are core to wonderland and some reusable assets that will help the world feel busy and alive. The picket fence was the first model of the day, an easy item to model that will look natural whilst providing borders for where the player can access so that they stay in the area. The picket fence alone would stick out and look unattractive so I decided to model a reusable rose and some foliage that I could fit through gaps in the fence in order to give the world border a nice, overgrown and natural look.