Friday 19 December 2014

Evaluation - Character Dichotomy Project (part 5)

Week 10

Evaluation -Character Dichotomy Project (part 5)

Q. How did my abilities improved during the project lifecycle?
  • Improved texturing
  • Gained familiarity with UE4
  • Produced quicker and more interesting 3d models
  • Higher quality concepts

Q. Any difficulties during the project?

The design and creation phases of the project was pushed back due to extension of concepting process.

Q. Was this project successful?

Based on the model, textures and maps, the project was successful, however, if I had I not been delayed at the beginning of the project, I would have liked to rig and completed other stretch goals.

Q. How would I approach the project next time?

I would try to push the designs further and work more with the silhouettes to create more unique designs. I would also try to paint fabric textures to add more realism to the character.

Sunday 14 December 2014

Character Dichotomy Project (part 4)

Week 9

Character Dichotomy Project (part 4)

The project is almost over the last task was to import the model to Unreal Engine 4 and here are few renders of my final character.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Character Dichotomy Project (part 3)

Week 8
Character Dichotomy Project (part 3)

This week I was ready to model one of the characters, I decided to model the elf as I thought modelling and texturing this character will be challenging and exciting.

modeling my character...

The final albedo map